小六壬速喜加空亡看病 大六壬断易秘诀教学文稿
小六壬速喜加空亡看病 大六壬断易秘诀教学文稿
(根据手书古代手稿及其他版本编排)目录天文学第2页家庭住宅第4坟墓第12页14婚姻第18页19疾病第22页旅行20八页丢失,第31页,官方页,第34页,销售,第 36 页,观众,第 38 页,诉讼,第 40 页,农桑,第 45 页,外观,第 46 页,以及更大。青龙盛世拔天,下大雨,加海子吟丑,阴无雨,阴入庙,海子丑也周游江湖。龙欲飞何处,蛇欲变而升,是蛇入江湖而化龙。火旺阳,地阴晴,火再生旱旺,水再生淹,三树风,三火多恶,三金雨,三土阴。敦干见仁子为云,鬼愁为雨,丙子为电,丁海为地震,丁卯为雷。天后顺革,雪霜,阴,寒,冻,蛇小六壬速喜加空亡看病 大六壬断易秘诀教学文稿,电,白虎,水冰雹,火奔劫,疾风冰雹第一个谣言是云开始下雨,最后一个谣言是雨结束的时期。起风时,如任阴日,送临阴,天一前,即起风起夜难。瞬移见白虎,骑气神,加气地,必有大风。想知道风是从哪里来的,可以决定白虎临近的日子,比如骑海林游、正西风、林海、西北风。白虎小积,患克,失少风。朱雀,居斯中午进入巢穴,热得厉害,风很大。任谁占风雨好坏,见天一朝阳,灾祸首臣,或贵胄死,见虎钩,兵起,见天后,人病,见太阴,六合,彪龙,李贤,燕燕,见玄武,盗贼,随风而上。例如,从阴时开始,可以是正月等。又风带吉凶,蛇上来,惊慌,麻雀上来,官司上来,猛虎上来,死哀,钩上来,打斗上来,天衣上来,贵族游行。
一忌破屋,主要人口散去,房屋分家。 11.忌两匹马靠近屋子,人主动,屋主安静,不宜动,所以屋上神仙加太阳,不想见丁,屋主怪异,诸神上日加屋,不想见马,主人出招,两匹马和蛇是六合记。从改革者的变化看,破败的主人不高兴,不高兴,毫无准备,各有各的厄运。民宅不备,占宅,供养神明,四课立基,三传见盛衰,盛世兴衰。用严天是为了害人,是为了家邪。第四课是内宅,旺盛,主宅深,囚主宅坏。那是阀门读数之家。长昌生派,久荣久盛,天佑昌盛,出富贵士。如果犯人被判刑入狱小六壬速喜加空亡看病 大六壬断易秘诀教学文稿,主人将遭受家庭灾难。求大神补充。与府相比,正篇名,其余败,官不,殷,闻,陈旭,狱官司,四物,屋,火,魏家殷,正门有庙,承神佑,主口舌,承申,嘉茂佑,主传与变文,师父断手断脚,承六合四课,各得长寿,正府兴旺,承德鹤林家,双子之主,如天鬼来枝,外人入屋与子卯通奸,使六和,主人不对,取卯增辰,兴旺,迁出高官,取天四课,各得长命,主宅旺,四课阴阳,见龙兴父母相生,家境好,胜者相克。凶残成龙,浪费钱财,龙已枯竭,家有肺痨,每一个死墓都被毁,疾病被淹没,龙在屋子里兴旺,虽然不及虎,但子孙万岁,他们是官员,他们会见将军和明星,他们去军事职位,他们利用子午,他们的妻妾怀孕,或者家里有孕妇。檀香为对联柱,乘火,火,母死,乘水,人行水,或若家中有孕妇,乘土,主家三姓,一姓。为恶,必害三人。乡里求婚,吉祥如意,老房新锅,新房旧炉(灶),生活不安。
如果房子左右的神明自相残杀,也能看出他们家的吉凶,比如死,白虎主死,红鸟官司还有蛇主,还有羊刀劫,这不亏。 而子孙为家,子孙为家传承,如相生相长,家深,刑不旺,家窄,如神交在屋子里。家要福,日财贵,家要富,家必毁。如果第四课,孙子孙守家,日后家破人亡,兄弟妻妾被推后。阳天神能胜过屋内天神,害处不大。而且这个禁忌太多了,比如三大传统,很快,如果你看到,如果你想搬到房子里看讲座,选择进入房子的时间并且安全,先拿月亮将军,年初,府内诸神分道扬镳,子午与阴沉对立,久久不动。老人们忧心忡忡,想搬家。头部是一条黑龙。人若用此卦,主楼会更加凶猛。如果没有凶猛,就会更加凶猛。如果是离家一年,众神的命运是什么?殷慎最幸福,会兴旺发达。后升为中推黄道法。黄道嘉麟是吉祥之神。让它在不伤害人的情况下建造。他虽然是太岁,但依旧无所畏惧。他用它来造福人民。 (错了,五十一点都在申请中。金室适合发财,青龙长寿,玉堂招奴婢,天家兴旺,统帅更吉祥,明堂子更强,若能掌握这一点,终生有福。。推冥道夺光满天罚,萧继平是朱雀之灾,破天成神。白虎,勾尘收于太冲站,丑为福收玄武,紫影天狱为建行。
朱雀官司娓娓道来,天罚克兽病狂魔,勾尘妻子惨遭摧残,玄武胎伤奴婢远行,白虎官诛他家,天京贼害赔钱,巫师可以化祸为福,凶恶为吉。神是吉祥的,不埋不埋,各有各的份。没有埋葬的坟墓都被填满了,而且已经埋葬的坟墓尤其汹涌澎湃,而且一定是新地繁华,而不是旧地。 , 主因旧而死。如果旧的由旧传到新的,那就是别人的旧地。我是新买的,或者有人把它埋了。现在它被重复使用了。杨,它应该安静,不要动。上下一比,死者平安,生者亦详。凡埋葬未埋葬的坟墓,皆为阳气多,兴旺发达。 ,天的诞生,和天的诞生凶猛,和月亮的诞生是相互的。虽不是阴险之人,但坟墓安然无恙。多半会遇到吉祥神,杀机。如龙、朱、天邪、七一,凶恶如天罡飞炼,破六鼎空死,陈阴阳断,主罚不全,主不定,如破碎,天死,神伤,主灭,或被挖,死者不安。养神见六合,为鬼,家境衰落。相传玄武为娼师,阴阳自上而下相传。没有突破,就没有突破。地分三等,银神四海为上地,长生学府,世世代代富贵,子午毛佑次之,富贵残缺,子孙衣裳喂,不断地移动,子午的阴阳之道,猫游的日月之门,交流不断,陈旭丑陋,一次又一次。
老年人生病或患有慢性病。相传青龙和六合必死无疑,以阴阳之气杀阳。后人在天上遇见了丙、丁、任、贵四天。十二大将都各从其类,不宜用统御我的神来统御他们。以天、年、年为神,不宜统管。如果它们相互控制,它们都彼此相似。天灾人祸,如第一天,第二天,龙族合二为一,让贺林茂也是一具尸体,必死无疑。如果九个月精力充沛,而嘉茂不以六和茂为床,则病未痊愈。 ,天一、德月、德月、月神合力救神。生气比较好。生气还好,进棺材就活了。只有白虎是最毒的。是好是坏。一旦生病,就可以断绝生死。月见破天,病死。月亮厌倦了太阳。浴缸天病倒了,死了。胡克病倒了,死了。 Tiger rides the god, and the is born, not , into yin and yang to push the , the is light, the Ang star is the most , the three yin is the heavy, the is the , it is not to cast a seal, and the three gods die. was , and was ill. The ghost of the sun late, the ghost of the sun , the dead in the , and it is to give birth. , Crazy, , first , the main , in the main eye . is for , qi , , coma, cold , , and . is for , , , and is , and it is used for eye . Liuhe air, cold and heavy body.
hair is to , so it must not eat or drink. The sky is for the cells, , , , and even more labor. The white tiger is for pain in the and bones, from and labor, the tiger is , and the tiger is the main road to get sick. from edema in the waist, and when he goes to the . is in of cold , feet and are , so loses his voice and faces the wall to lie down. The day after the main blood sea air cold body weak color fans. The first of heavy soil, the main , the heavy gold , this is also the first . to , add a new year to save. Only those who the tiger and ghost in the five of life in the day and the year of the day are , it will be . Seek a , go to the time of Fu Yin this month, and do not know, such as the first month uses Yin, the month uses Mao, this for six , such as for , see Japan, such as A and B days, Hai is Japan, to , Kui Gang plus Japan, and and , , . When the day, , and Lulu fall, the dies, and the yin and sun fall, the and his die. On the day of , Shen , Jia , died, and so on. The first of the life and death of a 's life. All of them go to the tomb being saved. The sun and the sun all enter the tomb. Those who are near the Jedi die, is and weak, and those who are to be . . To , they need to be and have , but they do not come to the tomb. The of the day, the year and the year is to use the above first look at for the and of a 's year, to that the day , such as the , the year's is , and it be at the time. The year's is in the tomb. , San Chuan , and those who have vigor in the year are born, the class is all , and the gods are born in the land of life. Dry, take of the month to get angry, even if you are in , you can come back to life, your , and the of the three , there will be in the house who is good to heal them.
In the , the god the tiger's , and the limbs and skin, if the god is a god, with the tiger's life, there are both and . , Use wood to end the soil, swell and , use the soil to end the water, the , water to end the fire, of cold and heat, use the fire to , the first two chens are Xu, and it is to take with the sun, and pray with the sun. If you for six ' , such as A and B days, Shen You is a blue and Liu He hurts all kinds of and will die. Shen You will die. Shen You, as a white tiger, the house on the day of the sun, and also died. After noon and the sun, he the tomb and died. Yin Mao the tiger's yin. , born in Shen, but news, born of gold, since times died of anger, Shen You a tiger, and his were . Haizi is , Jiari, the main mouth is , and he will die when he loses his . Haizi or the sun, there is no . The empty dead dies, Yin Jia Ri or San Chuan Qu Zhi, Zhan Xiao Kou dies. Yin , Hezhu died of anger. Shen You is a Liuhe, a snake, a white tiger, and is a man. The white tiger the sun and the year, , the above and other , ten and eight or nine, which there are and earth , anger, , , birth year, great , day and year fate Chen, also , and vice versa . The gods in the sun are born with the gods, and they fast. If the sun and the sun are born , they late. The sun and the chen are added , the upper and the lower are , it is not , the sun is dry and empty, it is not , the sun and the chen are in front of , not after the , and the three are not able to . , you can’t do it by , and you can’t pass on . You can’t pass from the tomb. You can move . From the tomb. , when the time is added, the day is moved, the sky is added to the , the can't enter the , the horse is fast in the sun, and the is in the day , such as Yin and in the , etc., the gods but not doing it, such as Yin in , Fu Yin can't, , reply, look down, don't get in the way, three can't, cut off the pass, the is fixed, the class is three-in-one, and the is late.
When you go out, you first look at the use of hair, see that and have good , and have risks, the wind and rain, wives and are good , have many and more . be for the body of the party. Fang is the evil of the sun, and the sun is the good . It is like gold in the sun. It is not to go to the south. Any good or bad be by the .种类。 When and earth are cross-, they will be cross- by Linxu Hai . When , that the god of the tomb is by the , and the main road is . added soil to carry the soil, and the Lord did not it when he went. Chen fixed it. When , it is to have the when it is , and it is even to have the , Chang and Gui , and the phase of great . Below the is the , and under the Taiyi is the . The push is to add Tian Gang, Shen Geng to add Zi, Yi Xin to add Yin, Bing Ren to add Zhong , and wind. God queen plus Tai Sui, not for . It is also in , the daily not be in the front, the chen not be in the back, and the time not be in the . It is and sunny on the way, the sun is more sunny, the is more rainy, the wood is windy, the is more , the climb is three days, and it is to (stack). Also, , Gui Chou, and Gui Wei are the sun that the water and the and not be . the , the day is the guest, the chen is the main, the birth is , the chen is up to see the sky, the main end, the head and the tail are , the fire is used to add water, the and lakes are , the soil is added to the wood, the and are , and the gold is added to the fire , is , no gold is added, , , heart does not match, Fu Yin looks down, fears to see hair use, late, hair use sees , hair use sees and , hair use is in The front is , the is . The hair is used , for the sun, it will come, and in the , it is the back of the sun, and it will not come.
The phase has qi, which is foot and up. lost , see and after , know who is and after. , and what is lost be found; , and what is lost can be . lost , look at the gods, see the gods on the day they are used for dry hair, the gods are easy to get in the years, the gods are down, and the gods are with the daily life, and the gods are easy to find, and the gods are alive and alive. Wang Fang, Linye Six, who came to the goods. the lost on the road, take the white tiger as the road god, and the yin as the lost thing, the tomb is about to fail, not in the place of , the are still in the , the yin and the road are rare, when the time comes, the road gods can co- . are , and those who are under are . The six got lost, went to the green snake, and went to the . There were , arts, and . They were by . The of the gods is the , far from the far road, and close to the short road. Just like an ox at Daji, , in the , the yin god is ugly, ugly to six, six li, sixty li, , young and old, men and women, , that is, the place where the thief is, the thief born of the god of Fang, in the area, , in order to catch the , the date of the is to the arts, the , and the . . When come to the sun, use gods to them, and the turn into and run away in . After the theft, and God, the two each other, and the two civil wars. In the six of San Chuan's Lost Lord and the New Year, there are those who and Gods, which are easy to .的。 rides as , happy theft, three are all earth, are , rides Geng Shen , must hide the blade, comes to the door to kill the sun, will hurt , it is said that arts, will never be gods , and dry with the sun, will hurt .
the date of , take the day that fears as the , the arts will take the soil, the A and B will gain it, the ghost will gain it on the day, the far and near, use the thief to take of the gods, the is far, the rest is near, and the Wu is from top to , it. From the of arts to the of , it is a few miles. Where the go, they are by , the home of . Where are the by the , the place where the thief is born is the place to hide, the place where the thief is , not , and who is the thief of the thief, it is by the god of , such as yang for male, yin for , full of qi Young and , aging. The shape of the war thief, Wu is long, is , Jiaji is short, is also the same, and it is , white and water black. The , such as Ziwu , goes up from the roof beam, comes from the front door, adds Yin, goes up from the roof beam, goes from the front door, the rest is like this. After , the come to the road, such as Wu , is Shen, Shen Jiaxu, when you come from the , the You is the home of the thief, from the to the west, you will never go to the east, It is to the land.