大六壬长生 六ewr壬辑要启蒙doc
大六壬长生 六ewr壬辑要启蒙doc
六人的研究源远流长。善艺者,周有姜尚,吴越有子胥、李中,汉有子虚,蜀汉有诸葛孔明,唐宋以下有元、李、绍、刘圣人。它的叙述分散在传记和期刊中。千百年来,上上下下,永无止境。可惜书籍众多,解释也各不相同,使学者们困惑不解。跑到江湖术士那里,查话迎合他们大六壬长生 六ewr壬辑要启蒙doc,欺骗自己,自欺欺人,为了收钱,所以这种方式已经没落了。余肃好奇,时常涉足仁派,但对自己的可信度持怀疑态度,不被卷入其中,探索其中奥秘的目的已经持续了几十年。有一点了解,但很少被人占据,有知心朋友或知心朋友介绍的也可以聊聊。不查的一两个留给复试,除非在课堂上教过,否则不上报。哈推安先生说:“找个好地方住,就需要参考确切的地方。自然曲折可以到达,不是真仙,也不是半仙。”重点是“详细检查”这个词。上帝有它。余隐退不详,密藏作品,挑选要领,誊抄。 “大六人心经”、“大梦”有七种。其中《人归》已由台湾五菱出版社出版。今尚有六种,称为:《守拙斋六人集六种》。 《悟道》原本有十章,整章的回顾似乎不完整,所以我没有忽略,而是加了一章,一共十一章。抛砖引玉,启迪思想,能有所助益。原十章是我自己抄写的。因为我已经快八十岁了,眼睛昏花,无法继续临摹。所以才让方君的山寨来总结一下。其中,年、月、日用于示真,有别于“例”、“假设”的老例子。
寂寞在哪里,西芳一家是对的。 1993年春《六任记要启蒙》六任记要皖南,自稿时朱良辉主编,七十一启蒙篇目录第一章天干地支强弱天干地支 附录二 第四章 天干地支的刑罚 附录三 年表 1 掌简表 第一章 君将与干支及其主人的关系 天干地支天词干:甲、乙、丙、丁、吴、吉、庚、辛、任、桂。 (名曰干十日) 方位:北海子丑,东殷茂臣,西神有术,南四物卫。 (阴为东北,司为东南,申为西南大六壬长生,海为西北。辰叔、丑不是中心,也是四个方向的拐角。辰东南、魏西南、蜀西北、丑东北。) 第二章天干地支 六人关系的生成和克制规律,主要是根据茎和树枝,生成和克制刑罚。因为惩罚是一个机会的萌芽,因为它的萌芽,人们才知道好坏。因此,学仁之前,必须熟悉干支的动态及其对刑的产生和抑制。既然动态很清楚,我们也必须观察它们的优势和劣势。时机对了,土地就强了,时机不对,弱者就弱了。今日,天干地支五行,强弱关系,刑罚之害,分别叙述如下。这是开始的基础。如果你不知道这一点,那么学习仁是不够的。天干五行生克。 (其中拘我有五种,我拘、生我、我住、同。) 阳视阴为伤官。任科遇到它,有一种枯竭的形象,所以他不喜欢它,但它可以用来发财,控制鬼魂。
) 类似:嘉义木见嘉义木或银茂臣木。 (同类说比肩,叫劫财。阳视阳为兄弟,阳视阴为姐妹。任可喜欢他们能帮我,又怕抢钱。所以, 看不到钱, 可以帮我, 帮我. 避免竞争, 分成其他日常干. 见附表: 天干五行生表。》A和B(木) 脱气, 紫溪, 伤官, 厨神父母, 尹哥, 朋友, 姐姐, 劫 丙丁(火) 哥哥, 朋友, 姐姐, 脱气为劫, 紫溪, 伤官, 厨神父母, 尹哥,朋友, 姐妹, 抢劫脱气, 儿童兴趣, 伤害官, 食神父母, 密封兄弟, 朋友, 姐妹, 抢劫脱气, 儿子兴趣, 伤害官, 食神父母, 印度兄弟, 朋友, 姐妹, 抢劫脱气, 紫溪, 上官,石神,五行,五行,同类兄弟朋友,t他是同一种兄弟和朋友 兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友喜欢兄弟和朋友 喜欢兄弟和朋友 喜欢兄弟和朋友 喜欢兄弟和朋友 喜欢兄弟和兄弟 喜欢兄弟 同类兄弟和朋友 朋友,孩子,食神,兄弟和同类朋友。第三章天地强弱的顺序。
任雪阳千之住在银神寺海。阴干之寿,生于紫雾猫油。仁类宜用于八寿。利臣(即日支)可依五行延年。日用茎应按八长使用。因为六人工作繁重。比如嘉木长生在海,地盘就是海,也就是坐下来长生不老。上子,也就是坐下洗澡。论丑,是坐冠。上殷商,就是坐下来做官。说到茅上,就是坐下地王。说到陈,它是坐下的。上山就是坐病。早上,就是坐下来死。当他不起来时,他坐在坟墓上。说到沉殇,就是坐下的意思。上幽尚就是坐在子宫里。上许就是坐着扶着。所谓长寿、沐浴、冠带、亲官、帝盛、衰落等,只是表气和深气的代号。 ) 人雪坐长生、官带、临官、王王之地,日日枯燥。 (为了一天的干燥的喜悦)在地上洗澡被称为坐在败地上。坐在腐朽坟墓上,叫坐在腐朽坟墓上。对于当天做的禁忌。以绝育为由,称为极弱之处。虽然是弱地,但有复活的机会。绝望中有生命,当你剥离极端时,你会恢复。这很容易推理。凡人类中,气为主,地为次。如果你有强大的气和强大的土地,那就是吉祥的吉祥。依附四个时节,月甲,殷代表金相,新旭,代表金相,仁海,代表干枝,在地上,生、盛、衰、死代表长生不老。洗澡,但骑在天干地里的树枝也是这样计算的。譬如初日干,谓坐寿。经过几天的干燥,程海被称为太阳的不朽。其余的被推。 《六人记要开悟》序言为长寿而坐。
如春树旺,夏火旺大六壬长生,秋金旺,冬水旺。这是季节性订单。但可能是五个要素。 (具体要看二十四节气,才能知道能量的浅浅和深浅。什么是节气,比如正月立春雨。立春就是节气,雨为气,节浅气深。五日气居十五日,其中五行存,谁旺谁后列。)十二月,五行旺,表示嘉木初春,初七下雨,二十三日火。佳木七日、乙木二十三、三月清明谷九日、乙木九日、桂水三日、五兔十八日、五兔十八日、历下十八日还有小曼,五月播芒十日,冰火夏至,定火二十日,极兔二十日,小暑和大暑定火九日,益母三日, 18日吉图,7日秋里图,3日乌图,17日耕津,8月10日白露,20日耕津,20日新津,金9日,定火3日,乌图18日立东晓雪乌图7日 甲木5日 仁水17日 木初生 11月大雪 冬至 仁水10日 贵水20日 12日 九日小寒、大寒、贵水,辛初三,吉图18日。因为运气不好。还有德赫鬼墓。也非常重要。德合能化恶为善,鬼能胜我,墓能令我目瞪口呆,目瞪口呆。因此,它被列为八魔。这是成败的关键,不容忽视。阴阳关系不宜与转瞬即逝的太岁发生冲突。譬如甲子转瞬即逝,天干庚,则旧年干。如果太阳的分支是中午,那么年分支的儿子将被指控。 ) 崇岳建。 (越人。即正月殷、二月毛、三月陈、四月泗、五月五、六月卫、七月沉、八月幽、九月许、十月海、十一月子、丑十二月。
节日是必需的。如正月,必交立春。您必须在二月份提交精哲。日干、日支、初传、年命,不应与月见相抵触。冲岁,不够岁。对面月,月不足。 ) 主是无情无情的,他是强大而强大的。尹行思,刑罚害人,举步维艰,灾难官司一触即发。刑已施,刑已破,老幼不和。丢失的。丑刑许,刑中有鬼。侮辱贵族和卑贱的人。生病的监狱。许刑尚未,刑已破。老少不和,身家分散。处刑处处,处处刑伤,处刑之日为人忧。刑天(凡是用刑月造的。如四月筑巳,发用为阴,谓之发刑月造。我仿此。无诉讼。发刑天阴(即天界中的神明)第二课)不能远行。。刑、干、养都不安。刑应该在外,养刑应该在里,主后。无论用上、下相刑的地方,也当做鬼,且主屡虐。公私皆忧。) 破邪:(人人思梦见幽。思仲见思,四时见丑。谓之破邪。主不破一切。”刘仁姬想开悟》10大突破:(凡遇破,主爱不美。暗中不顺。占婚姻虽强,难长久。虽难生胎动,我难生。占吉、喜神,先难后顺。当太阳快到的时候。传闻传来,主线常被封杀。没有和平。建议保护场地。孩子还没出生,剧情就被封锁了,灾难在暗中发生。丑正午,官司不利,夫妻不和。到了下午,就很丑,事情不清楚,最后很难实现。尹林思,旅行变化,回报利润和障碍。
司琳胤,打算阻挠,语气狐疑。游林旭,门户损毁,阴是小灾祸。许林友暗地里并不漂亮。奴隶是邪恶的。沉临海,先阻后得,事情总要有个结局。海林深,如果剧情失败,就没有开始。第五章天干地支鬼墓三月德:五、九月正月在泗。 (即阴乌、虚月。)二、六月、十月在阴。 (即海猫不是月。) 三月,七月,十一月,海。 (即申子辰月。)四月、八月、十二月,都在申。 (就是说子治在泗,下序为序。(日本德最吉祥,因为阳干为鲁,阴干为和德,所以比较其他三德众生,有《六人济耀悟道》11 神佑之上,这就是德行本身的控制,哪有德行我,所以倒霉。贼,会倒霉,不过你的将军也是土金,也就是上下袄。而你的将军会生德神,坐下鬼,所以主喜忧愁。诸德诸神来日,相见荣光,主有意外之喜。 ,而且没有下午,比较弱,不可能形成半组合,因为消防局以吴为盛世神,没有盛世神,组合是无能为力的,无法组合。所以,在半合的情况下,如果有旺神,还是可以合的,否则就不算半合。 )主事及其吉凶:(嘉吉合肥市是仁义合一,乘贵人因贵人而成功,见贵人得福。与德结合与神明,能化百恶。在猫游太阴天后,与玄武六合相乘。主有奸邪不正之事。义庚合一,仁义合一。乘吉祥神,主治内外和谐。做事正经时,若玄流骑阴后来猫游,主会装仁慈,言辞作恶。
讲道德,做坏事。冰心的结合,就是威权主义的结合。幸运之神是高贵的神。后改名。 ) 丁仁是淫秽与淫秽的结合。占吉将,主谋得逞。如果玄流在承印之后来找猫友,女主就会逃跑。家里有难看的东西。 pene和gui的结合是一个无情的结合。占吉将,占半真半空。趁着凶将,注重对外配合和中央分离。数百个都成顺是假的。任何东西走到一起都有和谐的意思。一切顺利,一切都完成了。合:(一时无法摆脱,不宜拿病打官司。))(阴海合破,凶猛一般,也将是和谐的主要杀手,任何组合都会成功,但不适合占据和解,因此不宜占据官司,占据疾病,如果暗中出现三个组合,会失而隐。神与皇后配合,占姻缘。(太阴六约)刑破二合,善在内,恶在外。六仁布班上盘域之前,首先要熟悉一下天盘和地盘的应用原理。没有被占用,天堂和大地都安静了,他们都在原来的位置上。依次相加,各占原来的位置。一旦它被占据,事物就会移动,天盘会随着月亮增加它的计时而改变它的方向。 (月亮将占据天盘,时间将占据场地。)场地将永远在它的位置。不许动。这就是天动地静的意思。因为天地的运行,阴阳会发生变化。 ,(见附图)。
上表十二点,以子午猫游阴神四海陈许丑为相对线,这就是地盘,然后用木圆天盘,应该比地盘小,和它的小应该和网站一样。十二点露面。天盘也列在十二点,其方法与地盘相同。一个小钉子放在天盘的中心,钉在地上,但它必须让天盘移动和旋转。由于天的主动,它会随着月份的到来而改变它的位置。不占前:天地静,天地在原位。见图:子家子,丑丑,阴 附图中(略),外圆周为疆域,恒常静止。内圆周是天盘,随着月份的临近,它的位置会发生变化。因为它的变化,它以占据先机而著称。因阴阳错位,居者知吉凶。因为月份会增加时间,天空会改变它的位置。比如正月下雨后,海会占据尹氏的班级,同时尹家的场地也将静止不动。海将是天盘,它的方位会因阴石的加入而改变。未占前,天地不动,海居地。占领之后,海甲在殷商之时,天盘十二支会随着时间的变化而变化,更会改变位置。 (见图) 阴加亥,亥加申,子加佑,丑加徐。这是天地运转的意义,也是阴阳变化的契机。月亮将军是什么意思,时间是什么,在第7章,课程布局程序栏-八门中详细解释。第七章课程和程序六人有720课(即60甲子的12次)。实际上只有9课。故其阴阳变化大六壬长生 六ewr壬辑要启蒙doc,善恶自来。因此,有可能获得占有的基础,拥有理论的基础。虽然无法完全测试,但还是有可能获得第七个。在分配课程之前,您必须先熟悉八个科目。
八个科目是分配课程的程序。什么是八门?一个叫值班门,(也就是月亮将军)第二个是先锋之门。四课三传全都跟了上去。三是外事门,(我今天做。)为事谦虚。五是门的本源,(即第一传)。是事物的本源,反映事物的征象。第六个叫做一一门,(即中传。)它可以改变第一个传输的吉凶,主要的事情在中间发生变化。七是回门,(即最后传。)是事的结果,能改变初中传的好坏。第八个是变门,(即居住者的年份),可以改变最后一关的吉凶。月会:(是仁班的职责。月会日,月会在气之后。什么是中气,如正月《六人记要悟道》13有立春为雨,立春为节,雨为气,雨为日行宫,月行三十天,从当月气到正月。下月前气盛,正月气后海,四月沉大六壬长生,五月卫,六月正午,七月四,八月陈,九月毛,十月阴. 十一月丑。十二月是儿子。奈月剑 合并的分支是月指挥官。) 月任期届满。正月为春分前的中气雨水。月小满前任四月满,中气小满任职至五月;夏至;服务到八月底 秋分服务到八月底 秋分服务到九月 霜降服务到九月 霜降服务到十月 小雪 服务到十月 前任满中气 小雪到十一 前任冬至前身执掌冬至至12月底,冬至前身任职至12月底。
为了上课的动机。所谓时间,并不是占用者当时所在的时间。它是口头报告或竹骨制成的芯片。扭的时候,听听报的时间,或者扭的时候,这就是合适的时机。如果求道者对十二点的名字不熟悉,最好专心赚钱。为什么当时的占领者没有,因为任雪,是研究动力学的,因为运动,他们知道了机会。他的嘴和手都在动。所以不要用那个时间。 ) 今天是丙寅日,丙是天干,寅是天支。 (以下统称日干日支。)也就是今天的干支,为什么要分内、外,因为仁本在易中,易有阴阳两用。万物有阴有阳,始终在运动。没有参与,就没有生命,就没有进化。没有参与,就无法占据万物的动态。总之,课中有象,即阴阳动静之理。对六十岁而言,天干十日,变化一次,变化之人也在动。今日丙阴,十日后丙子,地支恒静,历十二支不动,动一阳,故日为方。为什么太阳的干燥是自己的(占位者),因为占位者有占位,意动,动则为阳,所以代表占位者本身。何以日支为他人之物,动静,阴阳都是相对的,动干是占者,静支当然是他者。而为什么要做事情,因为事情和事情是那些寻求占有的人的目的,那些也是相对的事情。所以说枝是物,何必怀疑呢? ) 传:(即初传。初传称为初传。是三传中的初传,故称初传。顾名思义,即知初传,这是事物的最初反映。刑冲、强和、直和、顺剑、投球、弹射。
一切都是由运动触发的。推动者是机器的可爱。也就是事情的结局。 )中传:(即依依。中传叫依依,是三传之二。在三传中,所以叫中传。是它所占据的事物的转折点。它可以改变成功或失败的第一传。老子说:福,因事其物,成败隐。有的事失败,有的先难,后易。所谓成败,是有过程的。中传就是成败的过程,能化恶。对于吉祥,也能化善为恶。) 最后传:(即最后的传记。事物的最终结果,也是对事物的支持和破坏。初中传的成败。因为有控制初中传的作用,所以叫推算。) 本命年:(即变体。出生年份的干支。例如,如果住户冰银出生在十四岁《六人记要悟道》耳,则冰阴为命。 ,则冰隐一岁,冰子十一岁,冰旭二十一岁,冰神三十一岁,冰舞四十一岁,冰辰五十一岁,冰隐六岁岁 十一岁了。一周重新开始,并以此为基础计算。若住者为女,则人神一岁,人虚十一岁,人子二十一岁,人因三十一岁,任臣三十一岁。四十一岁,人武五十一岁,从六十一岁开始,由人神推动。循环一次又一次地开始,以此类推。原来兴年的秩序叫做变种,因为天干地支都在今天,谋求占有者的差别是一样的,而占有者的生活却是不同的。
因为男女住户的年龄不同,收入也不同。所以入住率变了。更何况,生命若能被压制,就会化善为恶。因此,它被称为变体,因为它可以改变和使用。六人多用行年,少用本命,因为行年主宰一年之事,而本命主宰生命之事。你应该用行年或出生命来谋求占据近处和远方的东西,两者都可以使用。男年表(61岁,从丙阴循环)性别1-10丙阴定茂五辰吉丝庚五心微人神贵友甲虚益海11-20丙子丁丑五阴吉毛庚陈心思人五桂味甲神益友21 -30 丙胄定海五子记仇庚寅辛卯人陈贵司家五衣卫 31-40 丙申丁友五徐记海庚子辛丑人寅桂毛家陈乙司 41-50 武丙丁未五神纪有庚许新海任子贵仇贾寅一毛51-60 冰辰丁四五无记魏庚申新有任徐归海甲子一筹女年表(六十一岁起)从任深一次又一次)性别1-10任神心未庚无忌司无陈丁茂丙寅一丑甲子归海11-20任旭新有庚申姬无无丁司丙陈乙毛甲尹桂愁 21-30 任紫心海庚 徐继佑五沉丁未兵武一司 嘉臣贵茂 31-40 任 尹新仇庚子继海无徐丁佑兵 沉一卫嘉五桂司 41-50 任陈新懋更印记仇五子丁海兵煦一友贾申桂伟51-60任五辛司耕陈记茂五印丁筹、丙子、乙海、贾旭、桂友、男女,手掌计算为小指下部为海,无名指下部向前推,无名指下部为子,中指下部为丑,食指下段为阴,阴上段为毛,上段为陈,上段为巳,中指上段为吴,上段无名指是魏,小指上面是沉,沉下面是你,你下面是徐。
十二枝在掌心旋转。只需要记住十二个分支在手掌中的位置。这不仅是用来推岁月的命,也是用来推贵族的。推四课三 男算法:如果户口是男,户口今年二十四岁。 First, start from the lower of the index and move up to the lower of the , the lower of the ring , and the lower of the . From Yin to Chou for the push. Every other digit is by ten years. If one year is , every one is , and if ten is added, is years old. The next one is , plus ten is -one years old. is -one years old. is forty-one years old. is fifty-one years old. Bing Yin is sixty-one years old. Seven , one, one... For , the is -four years old, from the age of -one, , and down to the age of -four, until he is ugly. Then you know that the acts as his own . This is to start from ten, so it is also to add ten to every other digit. The row is ten, and the row is zero. is to start with , such as being one year old, and , then it is years old. Then turn to -five, -seven, and forty-nine. sixty-one years old. "Liu Ren Ji Wants " 15 In the above , the who is -four years old, and the yin-ti is -five years old, is one year older than the young yin-ti, so it is a bad year for one to be to . If the is -seven years old, it will be two years older than the Yin rank, so two is the year. Where there is less, this is and . : If you are a , she is 28 years old this year. For women, is one year old, that is, one year old from the top of , years old next to Renxu, -one years old, , -one years old, Renzi. Chen is forty-one years old, Renwu is fifty-one years old, and is sixty-one years old.
-one years old is Renxu again, and -one years old is Renzi... If the is -eight years old, then count from the -one year old of Renzi up to -eight years old, then the will go Year is Otomi. For women, the next digit is an , and the is zero. The is used to push by ten, so every digit is equal to ten, and then the of tens is added every other , so it is and whole, and zero . takes as one year, and uses to add up, then the as one year, , -five, -seven, forty-nine, sixty-one, and the cycle over and over again. . the -eight-year-old Zhan as an , is -five years old, then -eight is more than the of three, so from the -five-year-old , the three are , and the year is Otomi. If there are less than -five, it will be to the . If the is -two years old, it is less than the fixed of -five years old, so it will be by three years old until . -two years old is the year of . The year is , as one year old, and years as a fixed , such as one plus is , and plus is -five. -five and make -seven, -seven and make forty-nine, and forty-nine and make sixty-one.一周一周。 , if the of 's years is less than the fixed , it will be from the to the that is less, and if it is more than the fixed , it will be from the to the that is more. The so- " push and push" to from Shen to You, and from Shen to No to . This is a way to the year of the year. Ren Ke first uses the for use; if there is no thief, then the above- gram is used for use. The song said: Take the class first and call the thief below. If there is no thief, go to the first place. If the first pass is on the top, the and the , the and the top are added. In the last four , there are two, three, or four who will the thief. There are two on the thief below, and the of yin and yang be , which are the same as the yin and yang of the sun stem, for use.
If there is no lower thief, then the upper will be used to the lower. The law is the same as that of the next thief. The song says: or two, three, or four , and if they meet the , they are the same, often the sun to the gods, use the yang and yin to use the yin in the yang day. (The sun to the sun.) Those are or of God, on the of or they . How can we know how much he has been to. For , in the four , there are two and , or and , and they are with daily . Then on the to the yin. ) The of and is for use. This is what it means to be . The song says: If you are all equal, you will not be equal. There is wrong with . The of the is to the . Lu Duo Ke used Lin Zhong for the land where the . The one is Ziwu . If there are two or three Lin Meng or Lin "Liu Ren Ji Yao " 16 Zhong, they are all with Rigan. Then Yang Ri will take one or two for use. On days, take three or four for use. If is doing one or two , or three or four , just take the on the day and take the on the day, and use it as a stack. Said grams - arrow, . If there are no going up in the four , and there is no upper the , then those in the two, three, and four that have the dry will be used. The class name is . It is also far away. If the , third, and are not far away from those who are able to the daily , then the daily of the , third and will be used. Class name . It is also dry and him. Also, the first is the , and the is the last . If there are two or three , and one of the four is , only three are , that is, the is the same as Zhi Shang, or the is the same as Gan Shang, and they are all . This class is not all four . Call it . As for the of use, see that in the three , there are who still use .
I copy this. The so- is not the of daily work to daily . That is, the daily is added to the daily stem. If the is added to the stem, the is the same as the daily . If the stems are added, the is the same as the daily stems. If the is added dry, the day will be . In this case, if the is added to the day, the will come to me. , I will go to the . If each other is , if they are and do not each other, then both the other and the other will be . If they each other or each other, they are both . The so- each other to the other party and me. It be at there is , there is in hair and , and if there is no in hair and , if they are in with each other, they will be close to each other. If they are by each other, they stay away from each other, hence the name . The song says: Four are not all three . There are no . The sun and sun are with the head and , and the first three of the soft and sun are . All are first from . Yin and Yang are sent in the dry at the end. (, it to the first of the yang, dry and the gods. The first one to the three of the yin stems and are . The last of the and the last is to use the gods.) Eight - the veil and foil are not . The stems and are the same, and there are only two . For , on the day of , the stems and are the same Yin, and the day, the stems and are the same. Gui Chou day, "Liu Ren Ji to " 17 Yu Wei, did not do . ) is the - of the stems and , hence the name Eight . If there are upper and lower gram in two , still use the thief gram, if there is no upper and lower gram, do not take the gram, and use the first in order to count the third god. If Gan is the son in the first , then the goes from the son to Yin, and Yin is the third god, so Yin is the first . On days, take the . (That is, the yin god of the sun .) The third god of the count is used. Ruzi is the . If the is three, Xu is the third god. , Xu is the first . of the of the yin and the of the yang, the and late all use the gods of .
It is the same as the last of other . Title of the : are not . The three are like a god, and they are said to be -. Fu Lin - self-, self-, . Both the day stem and the day the and earth lie in place. Such as child plus child ugly plus ugly... and so on. If the upper and lower grams are still used. There is no for out the last pass. Class name: Wu Ke, Yang Ri took as the first , self-. Yin Sun Wu Ke takes Zhi Shang Shen as the first , which is self-. There are those who use grams of hair, say no . The stems and with each other as anti-. Such as Zi Jia Wu, Chou Jia Wei, Yin Jia Shen, Mao Jia You... and so on. Where the top and are in , the main thing is . Hence the name . If there are upper and lower grams, still use thief grams. If there is no upper and lower gram, it will be sent to the post-horse of the . Such as the ugly day. has no upper and lower ke, ugly , siyou ugly, and are in Hai, then Hai is the first , Hai is the gate of , and Si is the land , which means up. Only Ding Chou, Ji Chou, Xin Chou, Ding Wei, Ji Wei, Xin Wei Six Days, or also known as Jing Lan She, are evil. as the , as the last, and to the day and as the last . ) title: Those who have the upper and lower with each other are said to have no . If the upper and lower with each other , it is said to have no . The of and earth, the the eight doors, and the rules of the nine forms have been above. This is a of for , in order for the to the study. the nine-form class is as . "Liu Ren Ji Wants " 18 The first is to the head of state. In this class, only fire gold. for - the , the Micro and the . There are two kinds of in this class, and they are both the Yang and the sun. It be used for those who are . 19 has three grams.
From Xuli Haizi to , there is no gram. at Xu Kezi again, Xutu Kezi water is one gram, Chou () two grams, and below Chou, Yin Mao Chen Si Wu has not You until the main Xu , all have no grams, they are used for . , there are also a few in the , which will be in the later. gram - arrow, . "Liu Ren Ji Wants to Be " 20 Eight - The foil is not . For those who do not the eight , the stems and are the same, and there are only two . Yang Ri uses the gods of the gods to push the three as the gods. Do this class on Hai. three is ugly. , the ugly is the first pass. In the end all in Hai. The sun is dry, and those who have no upper and lower will use the third place from the ugly. In the , the push three is Hai. , Hai is the first , and is used for the last . Fu Yin—self-, self-, and self- "Liu Ren Ji Wants to Be " 21 Ugly Ugly Not Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Ugly Chou Gui